Friday, July 25, 2014

Ḥizb al-Naṣr (Do'a Untuk Kemenangan)

DO'A untuk GAZA

Hizb an-Nashr merupakan do'a yang disusun oleh Shaykh Abu Hassan As-Shadhuli sekitar 800 tahun yang lalu. Hizb ini disebut juga sebagai Hizb-Saif.

Pada tahun 1250 M pasukan Crusaders di bawah Raja Louis IX dari Perancis menyerang Mesir. Shaykh Abul Hasan dan murid-muridnya setelah mendengar hal tersebut bersegera untuk berperang di garis depan. Saat itu Syakh Abul Hasan Shadhili matanya telah buta, tetapi tidak menghalanginya untuk berjihad melawan tentara Salib.

Pasukan yang dipimpin Raja Louis IX dari Perancis 10 kali lipat jumlahnya dibanding pasukan yang dipimpin Syakh Abul Hasan Shadhili.

Dalam perjalanan menuju garis depan Shaykh Abul Hasan mendapat ilham dan mimpi yang benar. Dalam mimpinya Nabi berbicara kepada Shaykh Abul Hasan dan dia memberi nasihat. Saat itulah Syakh mendapat ijazah Hizb Nasr, yang kemudian oleh Syakh diajarkan kepada murid2nya.

Saat pertempuran berlangsung Hizb ini dibacakan Shaykh Abu Hassan bersama pasukannnya di pertempuran kota Mansura. Pasukan Raja Louis bisa dikalahkan meskipun tenteranya lebih banyak dan Raja Louis dapat ditangkap dalam peperangan. Allah memberikan kemenangan umat Islam.

Translation of Shaykh Shādhilī’s Litany of Victory (Ḥizb al-Naṣr)

O Allah, by the subjugating power of Your authority! By the speed of the relief of Your Victory! By Your protective wrath over the violation of what You have prohibited! And by Your shelter of whomever seeks Your protection through Your verses of the Qur’an!

We beg You! O Allāh! O All Hearing! O Near One! O Answerer! O Swift One! O Avenger! O Mighty Assaulter! O Subjugator! O Compeller! O You Who is not weakened by the power of tyrants! [O You] for whom the destruction of tyrants is no significant challenge! We ask You to make the trap of he who plots against us to be entrapped by it, and the plot of he who plots against us to fall prey to his own snare! And [we beg You] to cause he who digs a hole for us to fall into it, and he who sets up a net of deception for us to be driven into it, trapped by it, and imprisoned by it!

O Allah, by the right of “Kāf-Hā-Yā-ʽAyn-Ṣād,” relieve us from the fear of [our] enemies! Confrontthem with subjugation, make them a ransom for all that is dear, and overpower them with a swift defeat; today and tomorrow.

O Allah, divide their unity! O Allah, disperse their assembly! O Allah, lessen their numbers! O Allah, blunt their edge! O Allah, make them shackled by their own ring [of fetters]! O Allah, make retribution to be upon them! O Allah, exclude them from the shade of leniency! And deprive them of the support of sufficient time! Fetter their hands and feet, tie up their hearts and do not enable them reach their goals!

O Allah, tear them apart in the way you make Your enemies perish in order to grant victory to Your Prophets, Messengers, and Your dearest servants (awliyā’).

O Allah, grant us the victory of Your beloved ones over Your enemies. (x3)

O Allah, do not allow the enemy overpower us and do not give them authority over us as a result of our sins. (x3)

Ḥā-Mīm, Ḥā-Mīm, Ḥā-Mīm, Ḥā-Mīm, Ḥā-Mīm!

Matters have become intense, victory has arrived, and they will not overpower us.

Ḥā-Mīm, ʽAyn-Sīn-Qāf , [grant us] protection from what we fear!

O Allah, avert the evils of the malicious [enemies]. Do not make us a source of tribulation. O Allah, grant us what we hope [for] and beyond what we hope for.

Yā-Hū, Yā-Hū, Yā-Hū; O One through Whose favors we ask for His favors! We ask You for haste; haste! O Allah, answer [us]! Answer [us]!

O One Who answered Nūḥ among his people! O One who gave victory to Ibrāhīm over his enemies! O One Who returned Yūsuf to Yaʽqūb! O One Who removed the tribulation of Ayyūb! O One Who answered the call of Zakariyyā! O One Who answered the prayers of Yūnus b. Mattā!

We implore You, O Allah, through the secrets of the sources of these supplications to accept what we call upon You for, to grant us what we ask for, and to manifest for us the promise which You have promised the believers!

Lā ilāha illā anta subḥānaka innī kuntu min al-ẓālimīn! There is no god but You. All praises are to You. I have been of those who have transgressed!

By Your majesty, all our hopes have been lost except for [our hope] in You! By Your truth, all of our expectations have diminished except for our expectations from You!

When the might of our kin has become unresponsive,

The closest thing to us is the might of Allah!

O might of Allah, intensify Your coming with haste,

And unravel our knots, O might of Allah!

The enemy has antagonized and violated, And we have turned to Allah seeking refuge.

Allah is the most sufficient victor. Allah is the most sufficient guardian.

Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best of guardians. And there is no power, nor strength except through Allahthe exalted and Magnificent.

Answer our prayers! Amiīn! The plan of the oppressors has failed. All thanks are to Allah Lord of the worlds.

May prayers and peace be upon Muḥammad, the unlettered prophet, upon his family, and the entirety of his Companions

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